Increased Wellness Grant Funding for 2023
Wellness grant funding for JPIA members increases to $100,000.
The ACWA JPIA Employee Benefits Department received some exciting news from Anthem Blue Cross in its 2023 renewal – an increase in wellness grant funds from $75,000 to $100,000.
In 2022, 77 member agencies received Wellness Grants and as expected, members impressed the JPIA with their creative ideas to promote wellness within their organizations. The JPIA is looking forward to 2023 and an even more successful Wellness Grant year. The time to apply is drawing closer. Grants will be available to members participating in JPIA’s Anthem medical plans. Information and details about how to apply will be announced in late May.
If you have any questions about the ACWA JPIA Wellness Grant program, please reach out to Jackie Rech at (916) 474-1773 or
Written by Jackie Rech, Employee Benefits Specialist
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