2024 Fall | El Dorado ID | Pre Deitchman | Camp Creek Safety |
2024 Fall | West Stanislaus ID | John Verissimo | Grate Lifting Adapter |
2024 Fall | Diablo WD | Sophia Gonzales | Ergonomics Program |
2024 Fall | Ramona MWD | Ryan Rugar | Construction Meter Ergonomic Stand/Handle |
2024 Fall | Calaveras CWD | Ebbetts Pass Distribution Crew | Lockable Valve and Fire Hydrant Caps |
2024 Spring | Walnut Valley WD | Shawna Seals | Deskercise and Fieldercise Charts |
2024 Spring | Mission Springs WD | David Weaver | Clarifier Scrubbing |
2024 Spring | Sweetwater Authority | Jason Lee, Jim Dickerson | Clearwell Stairs |
2024 Spring | Humboldt Bay MWD | Essex Staff | Installation of articulating jib boom for Ditch Witch vacuum trailer |
2024 Spring | Sacramento Suburban WD | Shawn Chaney | Lighter weight air release valve enclosures |
2024 Spring | Elsinore Valley MWD | Daniel Lohre, Andrew Sauceda | Boater Safety Program |
2023 Fall | Calleguas MWD | Tori Hren | Confined Space Rescue Training Facility |
2023 Fall | Moulton Niguel WD | Justin Finch | Storage Room Safety Improvements |
2023 Fall | Orange CWD | James Haydock | Near-Miss With Clogged Valve |
2023 Fall | Panoche WD | Lorena Chagoya | Hazard Assessment & Correction Record Form |
2023 Fall | Vista ID | Oscar Chavez | Valve Maintenance Truck - Flatbed Build |
2023 Fall | Sacramento Suburban WD | Abel Ramirez | To Go Trauma Kit |
2023 Fall | Sacramento Suburban WD | Allen Furr | Motor Oil Pump |
2023 Spring | Moulton Niguel WD | James Sampson | Dropped Tool Prevention |
2023 Spring | Moulton Niguel WD | Steve Vit | Mini Crimp |
2023 Spring | Sacramento Suburban WD | Joe Crockett | Hydrant Repair Station |
2023 Spring | Sweetwater Authority | Lindsay Degan | Housekeeping Improvements |
2022 Fall | Calleguas MWD | Mike Kidd | Arc Flash Safety |
2022 Fall | Elsinore Valley MWD | Jessica Zaragoza | Safety Month Implementation |
2022 Fall | Helix WD | Kolton Gustafson, Manny Barron | Pump Maintenance Platforms |
2022 Fall | Madera ID | Charles Contreras | Security System Upgrade |
2022 Fall | Yorba Linda WD | Steve Clayton, Miguel Rameriez | Exhaust Stack Extension |
2019 Spring | Merced ID | Eric Couture, Risk Management Officer | The district implemented a new safety incentive program that is based on leading indicators that incorporates the participation of all employees to take part in various safety related tasks and training. |
2019 Spring | Ramona MWD | Jason Smith, Electrician/Water Operations | Jason installed external controls on the outside of the electrical cabinet, along with a digital timer for pumping time control. This eliminates an arc flash exposure. |
2019 Spring | Walnut Valley WD | Erik Hitchman, General Manager | Installation of first aid and fire extinguisher decals on work trucks. |
2018 Spring | South Coast WD | Steve Dishon | Steve developed a system to automatically measure, mix, and pump the 2% sodium hypochlorite solution used at the recycled water facility. It is a much safer method of handling the chemical, has a more exact measurement, and is also more cost effective. |
2018 Spring | Orchard Dale WD | Merissa Liskey | Merissa purchased adjustable ergo work stations, ergo mice, anti-fatigue standing mats, and foot rests for the office. |
2018 Spring | Moulton Niguel WD | Berard Malachi | Berard designed a 2-In-1 storage system for jackhammer and stomper. |
2018 Spring | Elsinore Valley MWD | Jose Martinez | Jose designed a new lid for the AC pipe container. |
2018 Spring | Helix WD | David Regan, Jeremy Boone, Kyle James | Installed a solar system on the boat house to replace old electrical submerged cable. LED bulbs were also installed on nearby light fixtures. |
2018 Spring | Helix WD | Michelle Berens, Milica Schipper, Larry Lyford | Designed new swinging gates that lock, and a portable ladder with handrails to more easily access launders. |
2018 Spring | Moulton Niguel WD | Aaron Gonzalez, Dan Martinez | Made a portable safety net that is quickly assembled. The net will keep district employees safe from golf balls while working on the golf courses. Employees are now required to wear hard hats while working at these facilities. |
2018 Spring | Scotts Valley WD | Mathew Debrito | Matt redesigned a booster pump control panel to add several important safety features. |
2018 Spring | Cucamonga Valley WD | Robbie Victorino, Jason Cary | These individuals became certified after taking "The Back School" training. They have provided 30 ergo assessments at the district. Ergo tools are loaned to employees for two weeks for possible improvement in their work areas. A follow up assessment is done to determine if it is the right fit. |
2018 Spring | El Dorado ID | Bryan Cooper | Bryan fabricated an exhaust system to minimize workers' exposure to silica inhalation hazards. |
2018.Spring | Western MWD | Omar Haro, Richard Gonzalez, Tresa Huffman | Three employees found a new polymer meter box lid that is made of recycled materials to replace the existing concrete lids. |
2018 Fall | Central Coast WA | Mark Swift | Mark fabricated a shield for a pump to prevent chemicals from being sprayed in the area. The task was completed in-house due to the employee's welding skills with stainless steel. All pumps that did not have guards were outfitted to have this device. |
2018 Fall | Humboldt Bay MWD | Maintenance Dept. | The Maintenance Dept. purchased a Boscaro Lift Bucket to reduce the potential for ergonomic injuries. |
2018 Fall | Kings River CD | Hydro Division Staff | Cables were attached to the wall near the valves to lock the valve from turning. |
2018 Fall | Kings River CD | Hydro Division Staff | Battery leads were covered with plexi-glass to prevent accidental contact. Can easily be removed for work. |
2018 Fall | Merced ID | Eric Couture | The district hired RescueTech to revise their confined space program and develop rescue plans. The district purchased a confined space trailer and equipment needed for effective entry and rescue. Additional equipment is continually being purchased. Mock rescue training is performed with the consultant, and continues throughout this year and on an annual basis. |
2018 Fall | Merced ID | Kirk Trombley | The district purchased new portable lifting systems to lift and service vehicles. The new lifts mitigate musculoskeletal injuries. |
2018 Fall | Merced ID | "Skip" Sturtevant | Controls were moved above ground for the lift stations. This means that employees no longer access controls by going 10 feet under ground into a confined space. |
2018 Fall | Mesa WD | Bob Mitchell | A fall protection net was added by a hired vendor to span the opening of a 20 foot deep vault. |
2018 Fall | Moulton Niguel WD | Todd Novacek | Todd requested that a water filling station be added in close proximity to their parked vehicles. This project involved running a new water line to the outside of the building, adding a support platform for the cooler, and painting the curb to allow for temporary parking while the cooler is being filled. |
2018 Fall | Ramona MWD | Chris Ahlgren | Chris replaced nylon straps with metal brackets on the water tank on top of the Skid Steer. The metal brackets hold the water tank firmly. The tank is now secure from falling. |
2018 Fall | Sweetwater Authority | B. Brown, A. Brugman, J. DePaz, T. Feathers, D. Gutierrez, D. Kvederis, A. Piha, J. Robinson | Teflon plugs are used on meters to restrict water flow on customer's using water above the restriction guidelines. Meters do not have to be pulled to stop the flow of water. The old meter stays in place and later the Teflon plugs are easily removed. |
2018 Fall | Trabuco Canyon WD | Phil Serpas | Employees designed a vehicle with hydraulic valve turning equipment and mounted it on the front and rear bumpers. This eliminated manual valve exercising. They also have a Bluetooth tablet to control the vehicle mounted equipment, allowing one employee to operate the vehicle. |
2018 Fall | Valley Center MWD | Gaby Olson, Ryan Madson, Rick Beath | Presented in-depth training on confined space permits and toured a new site with confined space. |
2018 Fall | Vista ID | Chris Craighead | A small opening was cut in the vault lid directly above the fall protection receiver. Then a hinged cover was placed to secure the opening and receiver when not in use. The Davit arm can be attached to the receiver and the employee tied off prior to the vault lid being opened. |
2018 Fall | Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa WSD | Burton Rockewell | A suction pump was attached on a trailer to drain oil instead of lifting a bucket. A pump was installed on the motors to eliminate pouring gas into the motor using a ladder. A trailer now carries two totes instead of 55 gallon drums. |
2017 Spring | Crescenta Valley WD | Bryan Jones | Bryan used an engine hoist to remove a flow control valve from inside a well site. |
2017 Spring | Crescenta Valley WD | Byran Jones | Bryan purchased a tool to move heavy road plates. The tool is magnetic and keeps the employees four feet clear of the plates. |
2017 Spring | Cucamonga Valley WD | Mario Rodriguez | Mario found industrial lifting magnets and attached them to the arm of a vehicle mounted crane. This allows one worker to safely remove the old hatch and replace it with a lighter weight torsion assist lid. |
2017 Spring | El Dorado ID | Bill Petterson | Developed a digital process for lockout/tagout permits. |
2017 Spring | El Dorado ID | Jayzack Leonard | Jayzack designed a vault hatch that allows access to the discharge valves from outside the vault. This eliminates the need for frequent confined space entries. |
2017 Spring | Helix WD | Confined Space Rescue Team | A volunteer team completed a project where they crawled over 5 miles of 36" water pipe over a period of several weeks. |
2017 Spring | Humboldt Bay MWD | The Maintenance Department | The Maintenance Dept. fabricated a trailer to hold all trenching and sloping equipment so it is ready in case of emergency. |
2017 Spring | Moulton Niguel WD | Marco Lazaro | Marco designed a truck mounted hitch to hold a jack hammer, pneumatic digging clay spade, and a rammer tool to reduce back injuries. |
2017 Spring | Ramona MWD | Operations Department | The Water Operations Dept. developed a hydro/surge tank inspection procedure and checklist. |
2017 Spring | San Luis & Delta-Mendota WA | Tim Armond | Tim developed a "grabber" for helping to install fence posts. |
2017 Spring | Vista ID | Steve Tester | Steve worked with a District welder to create a grate to be installed in the tank of the water truck. The grate prevents anyone from climbing into the tank. |
2017 Fall | Crescenta Valley WD | David Gould | David was instrumental in the District purchasing a "Rock Jaw". |
2017 Fall | Ramona MWD | Ed Corbett, Cesar Lopez, Jason McGhee, Randy Robertson | Collection Operations updated their system when performing Closed Circuit TV work for manholes. New equipment eliminated lifting risks associated with lifting heavy equipment by hand. |
2017 Fall | Valley Center MWD | Wastewater Division | A small trailer dolly was purchased to assist in moving a small trailer in tight locations. The trailer helps to reduce back injuries as employees try to manually line up the trailer when hooking it up to the truck. |
2017 Fall | Yorba Linda WD | Nick Hollon, Jorge Lopez, Robert Cuellar | Using a "DropShot" inserted into the sewer main. |
2016 Spring | Citrus Heights WD | James Ferro, Maintenance Construction Worker 2 | James installed a ladder to enter/exit the dump truck bed. |
2016 Spring | El Dorado ID | Mike Hodges, Senior Plant Mechanic; Dustin Stoneback, Plant Mechanic II | Mike and Dustin created a cover for inside the wastewater digester to reduce fall hazards. |
2016 Spring | Moulton Niguel WD | Kevin Crawford, Senior Water System Operator | Kevin suggested a pre-cast vault cover with lightweight hatches to prevent back injuries. |
2016 Spring | Reclamation District No. 108 | Alan Murray, Maintenance | Alan purchased a dolly & attached a portable sump pump to it. The dolly can be wheeled out when needed. |
2016 Spring | Tehachapi-Cummings CWD | Pump Plant Dept. Staff | The Pump Plant Staff designed new filter boxes for the heat exchanger inlet screen. |
2016 Spring | Western MWD | Jason Helvie, Operations Technician II | Jason invented & designed a homemade portable air conditioner for the District's Jeeps. |
2016 Spring | Yorba Linda WD | Mike Kiddie, Senior Fleet Mechanic; Ron Talbert, Mechanic III | Mike and Ron suggested purchasing a "Jumping Jack Rack" for crew truck to limit back injuries. |
2016 Spring | Yorba Linda WD | Jeremy Smith, Safety and Training Technician | Jeremy mitigated an electrical hazard by relocating bubblers to a location outside of 480V wiring. |
2016 Fall | Carmichael WD | Lynette Moreno | Lynette implemented a safety awareness program of paycheck safety tips. |
2016 Fall | El Toro WD | Romas Kociban | Roman fabricated a water diffuser mounted on a removable hitch. |
2016 Fall | El Toro WD | El Toro WD Vinnie Coppola | Vinnie fabricated a valve stack pipe holder for backfilling holes. |
2016 Fall | El Toro WD | Jake Knoke | Jake fabricated a truck bed entry ladder. |
2016 Fall | El Toro WD | Marc Avila | Marc fabricated an angle meter tool. |
2016 Fall | El Toro WD | Matt Wagner | Matt fabricated a wrench to eliminate pinch points and hand injuries. |
2016 Fall | El Toro WD | Garth Botha and Steve Hancock | Garth and Steve reduced pinch point exposure by using a new motor mounted motor lift bar. |
2016 Fall | Kings River CD | Admin Staff and Manager | The Admin Staff suggested a new front office cubicle arrangement with barrier for front office safety. |
2016 Fall | Madera ID | Rosendo Baldovinos | Rosendo fabricated a stand for a well sounder to eliminate bending and kneeling. |
2016 Fall | Mission Springs WD | Rick Lyneis & Ben Lopez | Shade umbrella attached to equipment on truck for shade in the field. |
2016 Fall | Rio Alto WD | Michael Brown | Michael engineered a double screen filter in the effluent pond for debris removal before effluent reaches the pumps. This eliminates the need to climb into the pond. |
2016 Fall | Sweetwater Authority | Mike Wallace | Mike suggested purchasing self-rescue harnesses. |
2016 Fall | Tahoe City PUD | Ralph Turner | Ralph developed a reflective sticker for backpack sprayers to increase the visibility of the person spraying. |
2016 Fall | Vista ID | Oscar Chavez | Oscar created a shoring repair/test bench. |
2016 Fall | Vista ID | Chris Craghead | Chris created a valve lockout device for enhanced employee safety. |
2016 Fall | Westborough WD | Carlos Arias | Carlos recommended purchasing segways for meter reading and made a meter gun holder from PVC. |
2015 Spring | Citrus Heights WD | James Ferro, Water Distribution Operator | Designed light stands for trucks and vacuum excavators. |
2015 Spring | Elsinore Valley MWD | Barbara Mason, Management Analyst | Barbara developed an insurance matrix to apply risk transfer guidelines for insurance requirements. |
2015 Spring | Helix WD | Kolton Gustafson, System Operator III | Kolton cut two access ports into a vault lid and made a gate valve key to open from above. |
2015 Spring | Hi-Desert WD | Marty Stockstell, Jr., Water Distribution Operator III | Marty fabricated well shaft covers for the vertical turbine. It shields body parts from the spinning shaft. |
2015 Spring | Moulton Niguel WD | Marco Lazaro, Support Services Supervisor | Marco fabricated an LED spotlight that mounts directly into a 2" hitch receiver on pickup. |
2015 Spring | Moulton Niguel WD | Mark Herron, Collections System Supervisor | Mark designed a safety cover to fit over manholes. Cover has 4" cutouts for various size hoses. |
2015 Spring | Placer CWA | Confined Space Rescue Team | Seven employees were trained to become the confined space rescue team for the Agency. |
2015 Spring | Sacramento Suburban WD | Mike Jenner, Distribution Operator II | Mike designed a lifting apparatus to lift meter lids. |
2015 Spring | San Juan WD | Randy Potter, Pump Station Technician | Randy retrofitted motor control center panels to eliminate arc flash hazard. |
2015 Spring | Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa WSD | Stephen Chase, Warehouseman | Stephen developed the idea of using LED rope lighting and magnetic hooks down a manifold. |
2015 Spring | Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa WSD | Mike Pilatti, Pump/Electrical Tech. | Mike made a rack to hold his laptop. It hangs on the steering wheel in the truck. |
2015 Fall | Calaveras CWD | Phil McCartney, Mechanic | .Phil designed a hoist to pull aerators from ponds |
2015 Fall | Carmichael WD | George Richmond, Treatment Plant Operator 4 | George conducted an emergency spill response drill. |
2015 Fall | Carmichael WD | Lori Kalisiak, Human Resources Coordinator | Lori implemented a Building Access Security Improvement Plan for office security. |
2015 Fall | Carmichael WD | Lynette Moreno, Assistant General Manager | Laminated safety cards that hang on the equipment to remind the operator of what to do in an emergency. |
2015 Fall | El Dorado ID | Mike Dixon, Electrical & Instrumentation Tech. and Mitch Wydeveld, Electrical & Instrumentation Tech. | Mike and Mitch fabricated and installed cable spools to facilitate retrieving pump cables with winch. |
2015 Fall | El Toro WD | Donny Lloyd, Plant Operator Grade III and Jay Curry, Plant Operator Grade III | Donny and Jay researched and selected a new fall protection system and set up training with the mfr. |
2015 Fall | Georgetown Divide PUD | Nathan Tilman, Canal Operator and Jacob Walsh, Maintenance Worker II | Nathan and Jacob built a platform over a ditch waste gate making it safer to inspect. |
2015 Fall | Helix WD | Byron Richardson, Maintenance Ranger | Byron built a safer snake box to capture snakes. |
2015 Fall | Madera ID | Alva "Smokey" Carter, Engineering Tech. 1/Meter Tech. | Cut foot holds in bumper for ease of climbing, added a grab bar, and rod to hold safety cones. |
2015 Fall | Palmdale WD | Scott Mahoney, Operations Tech. II | Fabricated a hopper and funnel device to disperse copper sulfate in water. |
2015 Fall | San Luis & Delta Mendota WA | Mark Garcia, Equipment Operator | Modification to equipment trailer latch that enhances the safe operation of the trailer. |
2015 Fall | Sweetwater Authority | Spencer Atkins, Utility Worker 1 | Spencer suggested purchasing a "Gator Grip" gate valve key to tighten rounded operating nuts. |
2015 Fall | Sweetwater Authority | Irvin Ortiz, Equipment Mechanic | Irwin suggested installing easy access air tank drain valves on VacTruck. |
2015 Fall | Vista ID | Valve Maintenance Crew | Designed a key to lift slotted valve lids. |
2015 Fall | Yorba Linda WD | Mike Kiddie, Sr. Fleet Mechanic | To prevent falls, water jet nozzles & folding ladder were installed on the hydro excavator truck. |
2015 Fall | Yorba Linda WD | Mike Kiddie, Sr. Fleet Mechanic | Mike designed a probe holder and attached it to an extension pole. |
2014 Spring | Bella Vista WD | Mark Maty, Water Treatment Operator-T3 | Designed and built a ladder with platform. |
2014 Spring | Big Bear MWD | John Tuttle, Facility Technician | John created an adjustable bracing device that locks to the crane. |
2014 Spring | El Dorado ID | Jayzack Leonard, Senior Construction Maintenance Worker | Jayzack recommended installing a fixed vacuum tube to bottom of deep wells to reduce back injury. |
2014 Spring | Laguna Beach CWD | Martin Aragon, Maintenance Worker I | Martin built an attachment for the top of traffic cones. These act as a barricade at the work site. |
2014 Spring | Moulton Niguel WD | Facilities Maintenance Dept. | Correcting unsafe conditions that impact District personnel. |
2014 Spring | Moulton Niguel WD | Marco Lazaro, Support Services Supervisor | Recommended and designed enhancement to equipment. |
2014 Spring | Tahoe City PUD | Jeff McCollum, Lead Underwriter; Pat Potter, Operations 1; and Joe Mason, Operations Tech Mechanic | Upgraded platforms at Water's Edge & Park Terrace Sewer Stations to be in compliance with Cal/OSHA standards. |
2014 Spring | Western MWD | Tom Getman, Operations Tech. II; and David Aranda, Sr. Operations Tech. | Posted a sign to warn district employees to look for pedestrians before backing. |
2014 Spring | Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa WSD | Stephen Chase, Warehouseman | Stephen mounted a bucket of liquid soap on the wall to prevent slips and comply with the Global Harmonized System. |
2014 Fall | American River FCD | Sean O'Conor, Field Supervisor | Created a trimming platform for pickup to allow greater vertical reach when trimming. |
2014 Fall | Helix WD | Gary Martinez, Plant Operator II | Created a sample port attached to the delivery truck for gathering alum samples. |
2014 Fall | Helix WD | Larry Moon, Equipment Repair Tech. | Design & fabrication of dolly & electrical lift for gas powered soil compactor. |
2014 Fall | Helix WD | Mike Maynard, System Operator II | Built a portable guardrail/platform with casters. |
2014 Fall | Rincon del Diablo MWD | Rich Lora, Water Services Technician II | Designed a curb stop modified repair clamp. |
2014 Fall | San Juan WD | Eric Cosens, Maintenance Chief; and Mark Benson, Instrument Technician | Installed valve remotes & LED meter readouts to eliminate CS entries. |
2014 Fall | Santa Fe ID | Craig Smith, Utility Worker II | Craig suggested adding retractable stairs to the passenger side of pickup. |
2014 Fall | Santa Fe ID | Damian Garcia, Facility Locator & Inspector | Damian developed a template "High Priority Line Stand-By Required" for transmission mains. |
2014 Fall | Santa Fe ID | Danny Burns, Sr. Mechanic; and Brandon Fox, Mechanic | The mechanics designed a manual actuator that could be operated from above ground. |
2014 Fall | Santa Fe ID | Jim Gingrich, Electrical & Instrumentation Tech. | Designed and installed new fluent value control panels (6). Alerts system operators in the event of failure. |
2014 Fall | Sweetwater Authority | Pete Baranov, Water Treament Superintendent; and Steve Lynes, Principal Engineering Tech. | Helped to install new trunnions & brackets to remove the hazard in transporting cylinders. |
2014 Fall | Sweetwater Authority | Howard Rasmussen, Plant Maint. Tech. Leadworker | Howard fabricated a lightweight aluminum extension handle and attached to valve. |
2014 Fall | Vallecitos WD | Anthony Fonseca, System Collection Worker II; and Craig Durban, System Collection Worker II | Anthony and Craig constructed a manhole grate from leftover materials |
2014 Fall | Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa WSD | Burton Rockwell, Pump/Electrical Foreman | https://www.acwajpia.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/SA_14f_WheelerRidge_Rockwell.pdf |
2014 Fall | Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa WSD | Jon Kelley, Maintenance Foreman | Jon made sign boards to point where employees are working in remote locations. |
2014 Fall | Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa WSD | Russ Whitbey, Water Tender | Russ created a tarp cover with grommets to enclose the turnout and bleeder valves. |
2014 Fall | Yorba Linda WD | Mike Kiddie, Sr. Fleet Mechanic | Many safety features & equip. were added to the design of the "leak repair" utility truck |
2019 Fall | Madera ID | Sean Quarnstrom, Engineering Technician I | The District purchased the "Garmin Inreach Explorer" to communicate with the office from remote locations that do not have cell service. |
2019 Fall | Ramona MWD | Ramona Municipal Water District Utility Department | The Utility Dept. cut steps into the dirt hillside and added shot-rock to create a solid pathway. A handrail was also installed. |
2019 Fall | Orange County WD | Orange County Water District Water Quality Dept. | The Water Quality Dept. improved the organization of their safety program by creating safety information areas, organized safety materials in a centrally-located area, met individually with field staff to elevate the importance of the safety culture, began more routine field site safety inspection visits, and developed a more robust schedule for department safety meetings and presentations. |
2020 Spring | Humboldt Bay MWD | Humboldt Bay MWD Staff | Safety Training Matrix |
2020 Spring | Vallecitos WD | Vallecitos WD Staff | Confined space rescue training with San Diego County fire departments. |
2020 Spring | Yuba CWA | Jamie Coleman, Administrative Tech | A near miss on Yuba CWA fencing project. - YouTube Video |
2020 Fall | Ramona MWD | Randy Robertson, Collections System Worker II | DOT air brake test (COLA) |
2020 Fall | Western MWD | James Chatwin, Safety Team; Michelle Marquez, Human Resources | Ergonomics - working from home |
2020 Fall | Santa Fe ID | James Gingrich & Jason Nunez, Electricians/Maintenance Dept. | Confined space flow meter relocations |
2020 Fall | Walnut Valley WD | Tom Monk, Director of Operations; Tom Hunt, Production Supervisor | Aqueous ammonia to liquid amonia sulfate |
2020 Fall | El Dorado ID | Tony Hinchcliffe, Operator/Operations Wastewater | Catwalk modifications to reduce tripping and ergo injuries |
2020 Fall | West Stanislaus ID | Clinton McCleskey, Operations & Maintenance Supervisor | Lockout/tagout Procedure Development |
2021 Spring | Moulton Niguel WD | Rudy Duarte, Maintenance Worker-Facilities; Ty Costa Maintenance Worker-Facilities | Lower Boundary Oak Fall Protection |
2021 Spring | Orange County WD | Ben Lockhart, Water Quality; Craig Patterson, Water Quality | Improvement to Mobile Carbon Vessel Loading Process |
2021 Spring | South Coast WD | Joe McDivitt, Greg Pennington, Hal Hylton, Vil Acuna | Field Incident Reporting System |
2021 Spring | Sacramento Suburban WD | Tom Dickinson, Cross Connection Control Specialist Environmental Compliance | Hydrant Backflow Meter Cart |
2021 Spring | Walnut Valley WD | Chason Snyder, Operations Field Supervisor | Cement Materials Storage Shelving |
2021 Spring | South Coast WD | SCWD Sanitary Operations Department | Root Intrusion Notification System |
2021 Fall | Kings River CD | Paul Garcia, Supervisor Flood Operations & Maintenance | Adjustable Controls Modification |
2021 Fall | Merced ID | Jake Feriani, Water Resources Engineer | Fall Protection for Irrigation Distribution Concrete Boxes |
2021 Fall | Moulton Niguel WD | Mark Herron, Collection System Supervisor | Vehicle Rear-End Collision Prevention |
2021 Fall | Scotts Valley WD | Carlos Flores, Facilities Operator II; Rhett Beatton, Facilities Operator III | Installation of Back-up Camera for Vaccum Excavator |
2021 Fall | San Luis & Delta-Mendota WA | Frank Ramos & SL&DMWA Rescue Team | Permit Required Confined Space Rescue Team |
2021 Fall | Sacramento Suburban WD | Paul Miller, Production Operator II | Chemical Trailer Charging Area Trip/Shock Hazard |
2021 Fall | Sacramento Suburban WD | Geremy Moody, Distribution Operator II | Rhino Lining on Trailer #24 |
2021 Fall | Sacramento Suburban WD | William Sadler, Production Operator II | Hydrofluorosilicic Acid (HFA) Transfer Job Hazard Analysis |
2021 Fall | Walnut Valley WD | Walnut Valley Water District Safety Committee | Circle Check Standard Operating Procedure |
2022 Spring | Coastside CWD | Darin Sturdivan, Distribution Staff | rGreen Climber Brush Mowe |
2022 Spring | El Dorado ID | Chris Soule, Construction & Maintenance Worker II, Operations | Hitch Step |
2022 Spring | Sacramento Suburban WD | Ben Harris, Safety/Risk Officer | Hazard Recognition Program |