Board Member Training

 Board Member Training

CourseSuggested FrequencyRemarksRequirement Met by JPIA TrainingRequirement Met by Other Source
Sexual Harassment Prevention for Managers (AB1825 AB1661 and AB2053)Every 2 years (within 6 months for newly elected)Per California law, all elected officials required to complete.

In person, E-learning

Vector Solutions online course

Live Webinar

Ethics (AB1234)Every 2 years
(within 6 months for newly elected)
Per California law, required for all elected officials.

Vector Solutions Online Course

CA Fair Political Practices Commission

Brown ActNewly elected;
3 year refresher
Primer on how to avoid impropriety and keep
governmental decision making open and fair.

Recorded webinar
Public Records ActNewly elected;
3 year refresher
What you need to know to
comply with Public Records Act.

Recorded webinar
Dealing with a Difficult Board MemberAs neededHow To utilize Robert's Rules to maintain respect and decorum

Recorded webinar
Being A Better Board MemberAs neededLearn the basics of more effective interactions as a board member

Recorded webinar
Chair a Meeting With ConfidenceAs neededLearn the basics of more effective interactions as a board member

Recorded webinar
Moving From Group to Team - Creating a Cohesive BoardAs neededLearn language necessary to align the energy, effort, and focus of board around a common cause

Recorded webinar
CourseSuggested FrequencyRemarksRequirement Met by JPIA TrainingRequirement Met by Other Source
Sexual Harassment Prevention for Managers (AB1825 AB1661 and AB2053)Every 2 years (within 6 months for newly elected)Per California law, all elected officials required to complete.

In person, E-learning

Vector Solutions online course

Live Webinar

Ethics (AB1234)Every 2 years
(within 6 months for newly elected)
Per California law, required for all elected officials.

Vector Solutions Online Course

CA Fair Political Practices Commission

Brown ActNewly elected;
3 year refresher
Primer on how to avoid impropriety and keep
governmental decision making open and fair.

Recorded webinar
Public Records ActNewly elected;
3 year refresher
What you need to know to
comply with Public Records Act.

Recorded webinar
Dealing with a Difficult Board MemberAs neededHow To utilize Robert's Rules to maintain respect and decorum

Recorded webinar
Being A Better Board MemberAs neededLearn the basics of more effective interactions as a board member

Recorded webinar
Chair a Meeting With ConfidenceAs neededLearn the basics of more effective interactions as a board member

Recorded webinar
Moving From Group to Team - Creating a Cohesive BoardAs neededLearn language necessary to align the energy, effort, and focus of board around a common cause

Recorded webinar