Water Industry Job Description Manual and Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) / Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA)
The JPIA is pleased to provide this important tool to assist its members in the development of Job Descriptions, while keeping in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act and the Fair Employment and Housing Act, henceforth noted as ADA.
It is broken into several sections to include information on the development of job descriptions, facets of the ADA, and the employment process. A sample template is available for use, as well as the ability to “cut and paste” sections.
Please note that the job descriptions and template are models and are not intended to fit every need. It is important to customize the job descriptions for your district’s needs and to conform to the format chosen.
If your district would like to supply any models for inclusion in the manual or you have any comments or questions, please forward them to Tony Waterford at the JPIA via email. If you would prefer a “hard copy” of the manual, please submit a request to Tony Waterford.
IMPORTANT NOTICE – LEGAL DISCLAIMER – This job descriptions manual is not intended to be exhaustive. The discussion and best practices suggested herein should not be regarded as legal advice. Readers should pursue legal counsel or contact their insurance providers to gain more exhaustive advice.
Water Industry Job Description Manual and Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) / Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA)
The JPIA is pleased to provide this important tool to assist its members in the development of Job Descriptions, while keeping in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act and the Fair Employment and Housing Act, henceforth noted as ADA.
It is broken into several sections to include information on the development of job descriptions, facets of the ADA, and the employment process. A sample template is available for use, as well as the ability to “cut and paste” sections.
Please note that the job descriptions and template are models and are not intended to fit every need. It is important to customize the job descriptions for your district’s needs and to conform to the format chosen.
If your district would like to supply any models for inclusion in the manual or you have any comments or questions, please forward them to Patricia Slaven at the JPIA via email. If you would prefer a “hard copy” of the manual, please submit a request to Patricia Slaven