JPIA’s online training is available when you need it. Please visit the sites listed to take advantage of this convenient and cost effective training method.
JPIA Webinars (dates, times, and registration) You can now take some of the courses traditionally offered face-to-face by JPIA trainers via the web. These sessions are live, instructor led, and have lots of interaction, but come to you through the computer. All you need to participate is a computer with access to the internet (dial up is not desirable) and computer speakers. It’s a great, convenient way to get the information you need.
Viewing a Recorded Webinar
Most live webinars delivered by JPIA to its members are recorded for future playback for those that could not attend the original broadcast. See the list of recordings by clicking the JPIA Webinars link above then clicking on “Recorded Sessions” in the left column. Most can be accessed immediately for your convenience. For those that are “locked” (icon of a lock appears next to name) you may view the recording once a password is obtained from JPIA Training Department or 1.800.231.5742.
If you care to obtain credit toward the Professional Development Program certification by taking a recorded class, you will be required to complete an activity or quiz to summarize your learning experience. When you request the password, you will be given the handouts that will need to be completed and returned in order to receive credit.
JPIA E-Learning Courses in Prosperity – Video (2 min.): The JPIA Learning Portal includes an expanding library of interactive e-learning courses, such as Documentation Made Easy and Nuts & Bolts of Supervisor Law.
TargetSolutions: Offers a comprehensive suite of on-line training sessions for all levels of employees at JPIA member districts. Courses focus on risk management, training, communications and compliance – all created specifically for public agencies. Click on TargetSolutions above and take a tour of the site, then contact Training at JPIA (800) 231-5742, ext 3421, to get signed up.
TargetSolutions Courses and Professional Development Program Requirements
Target Solutions SMART Courses
Ethics Training (AB1234): This two-hour mandatory training for elected officials is offered by the Fair Political Practices Commission. It meets the requirements for Ethics Training in California. Please note: this site does not keep a record that you have completed the course; when you have finished the course you will have to print out your certificate in order to obtain proof of completion of the training.
As an alternative to computer courses, the Institute for Local Government offers two, one-hour self-study exercises as an option for local officials to satisfy AB 1234 requirements. This requires reading written materials for each one-hour session, then completing a test for each. Each test is then sent to the Institute along with a $25 processing fee for each ($50 total for both parts of the required 2-hour class). The participant is sent the results and a certificate is issued if the participant passes the test.