Since the most frequent and costly losses come from vehicle, infrastructure, construction, employment practices, ergonomic, fall claims, and wildfires, the JPIA takes an active role encouraging members to implement programs and practices that can reduce these types of risks.
The JPIA Commitment to Excellence Program (C2E) is a long-term outreach effort to meet that goal by helping membership reduce the frequency and severity of liability, workers’ compensation, and property losses.
JPIA provides this program and additional resources to member agencies to help them establish policies and protocols to maximize safety on the job.
Commitment to Excellence Program Loss Reduction Focus Menus and Explanations Guide
ACWA JPIA Commitment to Excellence Best Practices has been developed for each loss reduction category. Included are loss reduction focus elements, “best practices menus”, and explanations for each menu item. Best Practices are reviewed with member districts during risk assessment visits and discussed in the JPIASource newsletter. JPIA members can select from the menu the best practices they wish to add to, or enhance, their existing loss reduction programs.
JPIA Training That Supports Specific Claim Reductions
The“Opportunity Review” is designed to help JPIA members highlight the best practices already established. It can also be used by JPIA Risk Control to identify the best practices a member may want to implement or upgrade.
Since the most frequent and costly losses come from vehicle, infrastructure, construction, employment practices, ergonomic, fall claims, and wildfires, the JPIA takes an active role encouraging members to implement programs and practices that can reduce these types of risks.
The JPIA Commitment to Excellence Program (C2E) is a long-term outreach effort to meet that goal by helping membership reduce the frequency and severity of liability, workers’ compensation, and property losses.
JPIA provides this program and additional resources to member agencies to help them establish policies and protocols to maximize safety on the job.
Commitment to Excellence Program Loss Reduction Focus Menus and Explanations Guide
ACWA JPIA Commitment to Excellence Best Practices has been developed for each loss reduction category. Included are loss reduction focus elements, “best practices menus”, and explanations for each menu item. Best Practices are reviewed with member districts during risk assessment visits and discussed in the JPIASource newsletter. JPIA members can select from the menu the best practices they wish to add to, or enhance, their existing loss reduction programs.
JPIA Training That Supports Specific Claim Reductions
The“Opportunity Review” is designed to help JPIA members highlight the best practices already established. It can also be used by JPIA Risk Control to identify the best practices a member may want to implement or upgrade.
Commitment to Excellence (C2E) Best Practices Resources
ACWA JPIA has developed C2E “best practices” resources that support each loss reduction focus area. The JPIA developed best practices resources to support each loss reduction focus element.
If you are a Member of the ACWA JPIA pool and have questions about the C2E Loss Reduction Focus Menus, C2E Explanation Guide, or C2E best practices resources, please contact your Risk Control Advisor or email Terry Lofing.
Commitment to Excellence (C2E) Best Practices Resources
ACWA JPIA has developed C2E “best practices” resources that support each loss reduction focus area. The JPIA developed best practices resources to support each loss reduction focus element.
If you are a Member of the ACWA JPIA pool and have questions about the C2E Loss Reduction Focus Menus, C2E Explanation Guide, or C2E best practices resources, please contact your Risk Control Advisor or email Terry Lofing.
Loss Reduction Focuses
Driver Review/Qualifications Program
- California Negligent Operator Treatment System Rev 9-2020
- Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Employer Pull Notice Program
Defensive Driver Training
Accident Investigation Reporting
Backing Accident Avoidance
USA/Line Location
- 811 Call Before Dig Website Resources Rev 7_22
- JPIA Damage Information Reporting Tool DIRT Website Resources Rev 7_22
- Underground Line Locator Training Requirements Rev 9_20
- Markers for Underground Facilities Sample Specifications Rev 9_20
- Utility Damage Quick Reference Guide Rev 9_20
- Request for Vacuum Excavation Equipment
USA North 811/DigAlert Resources
- CA Facility Event DIRT Form
- CGA Best Practices V. 18
- DigAlert Damage Prevention Brochure
- DigAlert Form
- Protection of Underground Infrastructure
- USA North 811 Excavation Handbook California
- Underground Damage Prevention Training and Certification – The Damage Prevention Certification is a comprehensive online training program certified by the Gold Shovel Standard. This training will guide you through all of the rules, regulations, and industry best practices of safe digging and damage prevention in California.
Risk Transfer
The JPIA provides guidance and best practices to its members regarding Risk Transfer. Please visit our Risk Transfer webpage for resources on insurance requirements, risk transfer basics, checklist for verification of certificates and endorsements, and sample forms and waivers.
Contractor Qualification
- Contractor Prequalification Resources
- JPIA SOG Contractor General Safety Practices
- JPIA SOG Developer General Safety Practices
Third Party Resources
- Alliant Safety Factsheet Contractor Risk Management Guide
- Checklist for Prescreening Contractors
- Labor Commissioners Model Questionnaire March 2019
- CGA Best Practices Version 19
- CA Facility Event DIRT Form
Third Party Exposures
- Cal/OSHA Title 8, Section 1523 Illumination
- Cal/OSHA Title 8, Section 3317 Illumination
- JPIA Sample Construction Site Inspection Checklist Rev 9_20
- JPIA Sample Excavation Checklist Rev 9-20
Traffic Control
Underground Safety Board
- Underground Safety Board
- Report Damage by Excavator – California Code of Regulations requires that an excavator causing or discovering damage must file a report immediately, and in no case longer than two hours after learning of the damage.
- Infrastructure Reporting Information and Action Required – Information to report when an underground utility infrastructure or if existing damage is found. Can be used as a toolbox and reminder for crews that excavate for emergency procedures and incident reporting.
Water Line Failure
Asset Identification
Valve Exercising and Maintenance
- Standard Operating Guideline The Importance of Valve Exercising
- Standard Operating Guideline Valve Exercising and Maintenance
- Valve Fire Hydrant Maintenance Report
- Ergo Solutions for Valve Turning
Hydrant Maintenance and Testing
Leak Repair
Maintenance Management System
Water for Fire Fighting and Training
Water Loss Monitoring
Lift Station Inspection
- Standard Operating Guideline, Lift Station Inspection Rev 11_23
- Lift Station Inspection Log Rev 9_20
- Wastewater Operations Self-Audit Checklist Rev 9_2
Sewer Backup and Reduction
- Standard Operating Guideline, Sewer Pipe Blockage Control Program Rev 10_23
- Sewer Component Graphics
- Manhole Inspection Checklist
- South Coast Water District, Lift Station Annual Maintenance Procedure
- South Coast Water District, Lift Station Daily Weekly Maintenance Procedure
- South Coast Water District, Lift Station Monthly Maintenance Procedure
- South Coast Water District, Lift Station Quarterly Maintenance Procedure
- South Coast Water District, Lift Station Semi Annual Maintenance Procedure
- Western Municipal Water District, Site Specific Lift Station
Sewer Backup and Response
- Standard Operating Guideline, Sewer Backup and Response Rev 10_23
- Sewer Inspection Maintenance Report
- Onsite Sewer Backup Incident Assessment
- Sewer Backup Intake Report
- Sewer Backup/Follow-up Investigation
- Sanitary Sewer Reference and Emergency Contact List
- Sewer Component Graphics
- Manhole Inspection Checklist
- General Order for Sanitary Sewer Systems
- General Order for Sanitary Sewer Systems_Attachment D
- General Order for Sanitary Sewer Systems_Attachment E1
- General Order for Sanitary Sewer Systems_Attachment E2
- Cucamonga Valley Water District Ordinance No 32-C
- Sanitary Sewer Maintenance Log
- Stand Drawing Sewer Lateral
Canal Ditch Levee Maintenance
- Standard Operating Guideline, Canal/Ditch/Levee Maintenance
- Canal Inspection Checklist
- Canal Inspection Items
- Canal Breach Report
- Canal Breach Checklist
- Canal Structure Inspection Form
- Canal Maintenance Log
- Training Record
Canal Levee Failure
Canal Safety Guidelines
Canal Structure Operations and Maintenance
Pest Rodent Control
- Daily Weed Control Report
- Ground Squirrel Best Management Practices – Ground squirrel Best Management Practices (BMPs) are the most efficient, cost effective, and environmentally-friendly management methods that can achieve successful ground squirrel management.
- UC ANR Statewide IPM Program – This course was developed for pest management professionals and growers. The course covers the description, biology, and ecology of ground squirrels and pocket gophers as well as an overview of available control options including habitat modification, trapping, baiting, and fumigants.
Vegetation and Weed Control
Climate Change Resource Center
Electrical Distribution Systems
- Standard Operating Guideline, Electrical Distribution System Maintenance
- Standard Operating Guideline, Electrical Distribution Inspection Procedures
- Distribution Inspection Cycles
- Electric Safety in the Workplace NFPA 70E 2018
- Pad Mounted Transformers
- Arc Flash Booklet
- Arc Flash Warning Labels
Electrical System Maintenance Switchgear
- Standard Operating Guideline, Electrical System Maintenance Switchgear
- Switchgear Checklist
- Low Voltage
Planning and Coordination
Operating Procedures
- Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) – FAA regulations for drone usage
- Fact Sheet – Small Unmanned Aircraft Regulations (Part 107) – Drone operating requirements
- Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 56.31 – Example of city ordinance for drone use (PDF)
- Sample JPIA Drone Policy
Restricted and Prohibited Zones
- FAA Airspace Restrictions
- Wildfires Air Space – FAA discussion on the use of a drone near wildfires
- No Drone Zone – FAA public outreach campaign
Maintenance and Inspection Programs
- Sample Drone Maintenance Checklist – Maintenance checklist categories
- Routine Drone Maintenance Checklist – Example of checklist
- Dispose of a Drone Battery – Steps to properly dispose of a battery
Documented Flight Logs
- Tips on Keeping a Drone Flight Log
- Sample Drone Logbook – Free drone logbook
- What should be in your Drone Flight Logs – Documentation tips
Staff Training
Licensed Drone Pilots
- Become a Drone Pilot – FAA eligibility requirements
- Test Prep Materials
- Integrated Airman Certification and Rating Application (IACRA) – FAA drone pilot application process
- FAA Drone Zone – General information on rules for flying drones
Pre-Flight Checklist
- Drone Preflight Checklist – Commercial App
- General Drone Preflight Checklist – Categories in a preflight checklist
- B4UFLY Mobile APP (FAA)
- Sample Drone Checklist
Drone Registration
- A Guide to Starting Operations – Create a drone program
- Waiver Process – Process to operate outside certain rules in part 107
- User Identification Tool – FAA process to help identify which rules apply to your District.
- FAA’s Remote ID Rule – Article on process for unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) have a unique ID number
- Sample ID Device – Example of Standard Remote ID
- UAS Remote Identification – FAA process for registering UAS Remote Identification
Appropriate Drone Coverage
- Drone Best Practices – General and/or Property Coverage
Third Party Vendor
- Insurance Requirements – JPIA minimum requirements when contracting out drone services
- Contracting With and Between UAS Operators – General Information
- JPIA Risk Transfer Resources
Appropriate Documentation
FMCSA/Drug Alcohol Reasonable Suspicion
- Clearinghouse Brochure Employer
- Clearinghouse Query and Consent
- Clearinghouse User Role
- FMCSA Clearinghouse Factsheet
- State of California CHIP Controlled Substances and Alcohol Testing Compliance Checklist
- FMCSA Training Provider Registry – Lists training providers who have self-certified their compliance with federal training requirements. It also keeps a record of all individuals who have completed the required entry-level driver training.
Additional Employment Practices Resources
The JPIA provides guidance and best practices to its members regarding Employment Practices. Please visit our Human Resources Best Practices webpage for resources on documentation, effective hiring, promoting staff development, and effective communication.
- Back Up Your Safety Program
- General Ergonomic Risk Analysis Checklist
- Portable Ladder Safety Resources
- State Fund’s Be their HERO – An interactive assessment and resources to help prevent falls in the workplace.
Planning and Coordination
Plans, Checklists, and Codes
- EPA Incident Action Checklist Wildfire
- SWRCB Emergency Response Planning Template
- Emergency Response Planning Template for Public Drinking Water Systems (small systems)
- Public Utilities Code (PUC) Section 8386
- SB 901 Wildfire Mitigation Plan Legislative Bill
- PUC Utility Wildfire Mitigation Plan
- Truckee Donner PUD Wildfire Emergency Preparedness
- So Cal Edison Essential Use Customer Classification and Priority System for Rotating Outages
- Cal OES My Hazards
- CDC Guide – Water Supply Planning Guide for Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities
- Basic Disaster Supply Kit –
- Cal Water Emergency Preparedness
- Cal Fire Emergency Supply Kit
- National Incident Management System Emergency Operations Center How-To Quick Reference Guide, August 2021
- Supplemental Information: SEMS, NIMS, and ICS
Communication and Coordination
- CalWarn Mutual Aid and Assistance Program
- Government Emergency Telecommunications Services (GETS)
- Text-Em-All, Communication App to Staff
- Water Emergency Response Organization of Orange County (WEROC)
- Public Water Agencies Group
- Emergency Response Network of the Inland Empire (ERNIE)
- Sacramento Area Water Works Association (SAWWA)
- Fire Safe Councils – Educate businesses and homeowners about community wildfire preparedness
- SWRCB Templates for Public Notification
- JPIA Source – Wildfire Preparedness
- JPIA – Water and Wastewater Preparedness and Response to Wildfire Actions
- Alliant Fire Season: Preparing for the Worst
- Truckee Donner PUD Wildfire Mitigation Plan
- El Dorado Irrigation Forest Management Plan
- Tulare Irrigation District Wildfire Mitigation Plan
- Preparing a Community for Wildfire Protection
- Toolkits
Staff Training
- SEMS G606 SEMS Introduction Online Course
- SEMS Executive – The purpose of this course is to familiarize Senior Officials (executives, elected and appointed officials, city/county managers, agency administrators, etc.) with their role in supporting incident management within the National Incident Management System (NIMS). Cal/OES and its training provider California Specialized Training Institute (CSTI) offer this required training element in-person or virtually. For additional training information contact:
- PJ Garcia
- Chief of Emergency Management
- California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (CalOES)
- California Specialized Training Institute (CSTI)
- (805) 594-2155 – Office
- National Incident Management System (NIMS) Training Program
- FEMA’s EOC Skillsets and EOC Skillsets User Guide
- FEMA Fact Sheet – Emergency Operations Center (EOC) References and Resources Tool
- Incident Management
- FEMA ICS for Utilities
- Water Utility Response On the Go Mobile Application
- Emergency Exercises –
Facility Protection and Readiness
Facility Hardening and Defensible Space
- USDA Wildfire, Wildlands, and People: Understanding and Preparing for wildfire in the Wildland-Urban Interface
- National Incident Management System (NIMS) Emergency Operation Center How to Quick Reference Guide
- Public Resource Code (PRC) 4291 – Protection of forest, range, and forage lands
- Cal Fire Defensible Space / PRC 4291 – Resources for creating a defensible space
- Cal Fire Maintain Defensible Space – Resources for maintaining a defensible space webpage
- Cal Fire Wildland Urban Interface Operating Principles
- US Fire Administration Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)
- Maintain Defensible Space
Power Outage
- EPA Power Outage Incident Action Checklist
- Power Outage Preparedness: How Californians Can Get Ready
- PG&E Backup Power
- CARB – Emergency Backup Power Option – Commercial
- CARB – Use of Back-up Engines for Electricity Generation During Public Safety Power Shutoff Events
- Protecting Workers When there are Power Outages
Power Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS)
- Public Safety Power Shutdown – The Power of Being Prepared
- Public Safety Power Shutoffs – Resource Guide
- PGE Public Safety Power Shutoff Policies and Procedures (August 2020)
- SDGE – Public Safety Power Shutoff Policies and Procedures 2020
- Southern California Edison – Public Safety Power Shutoff
- Liberty Utilities PSPS Fact Sheet
- Preventive Maintenance for Standby Emergency Generators – (JPIA Perspective, September/October 2019, page 6)
- 2022 California Electric Code – Refer to Article 700 for Emergency Systems
- Mike Holt’s Illustrated Guide to NEC Requirements for Generators and Standby Power Systems
- OSHA Fact Sheet – Using Portable Generators Safely
- US Army Engine Generator Set Inspection Checklist
Response and Recovery
- Cal OES Emergency Support Functions
- FEMA National Response Framework
- Communication Plan –
- Cal Alerts Wireless Emergency Alerts by County
- Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)
- FEMA Continuity Resources and Technical Assistance
- FEMA Continuity Plan Template
- Cal OES Hazard Mitigation
- FEMA Hazard Mitigation Planning
- EPA Public Assistance – Public Assistance for Water and Wastewater Utilities
- OC Regional Water and Wastewater Hazard Mitigation Plan
- Resilience Mitigation Financing Webinar for Water and Wastewater Utilities
- Urban-Wildland Fire Coordination Plan for Water Utilities & Fire Departments
- Developed by The Water Emergency Response Organization of Orange County (WEROC) with lessons learned and best practices from recent wildfires
Resource Quick Search
Loss Reduction Focuses
Driver Review/Qualifications Program
- California Negligent Operator Treatment System Rev 9-2020
- Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Employer Pull Notice Program
Defensive Driver Training
Accident Investigation Reporting
Backing Accident Avoidance
USA/Line Location
- 811 Call Before Dig Website Resources Rev 7_22
- JPIA Damage Information Reporting Tool DIRT Website Resources Rev 7_22
- Underground Line Locator Training Requirements Rev 9_20
- Markers for Underground Facilities Sample Specifications Rev 9_20
- Utility Damage Quick Reference Guide Rev 9_20
- Request for Vacuum Excavation Equipment
USA North 811/DigAlert Resources
- CA Facility Event DIRT Form
- CGA Best Practices V. 18
- DigAlert Damage Prevention Brochure
- DigAlert Form
- Protection of Underground Infrastructure
- USA North 811 Excavation Handbook California
- Underground Damage Prevention Training and Certification – The Damage Prevention Certification is a comprehensive online training program certified by the Gold Shovel Standard. This training will guide you through all of the rules, regulations, and industry best practices of safe digging and damage prevention in California.
Risk Transfer
The JPIA provides guidance and best practices to its members regarding Risk Transfer. Please visit our Risk Transfer webpage for resources on insurance requirements, risk transfer basics, checklist for verification of certificates and endorsements, and sample forms and waivers.
Contractor Qualification
- Contractor Prequalification Resources
- JPIA SOG Contractor General Safety Practices
- JPIA SOG Developer General Safety Practices
Third Party Resources
- Alliant Safety Factsheet Contractor Risk Management Guide
- Checklist for Prescreening Contractors
- Labor Commissioners Model Questionnaire March 2019
- CGA Best Practices Version 19
- CA Facility Event DIRT Form
Third Party Exposures
- Cal/OSHA Title 8, Section 1523 Illumination
- Cal/OSHA Title 8, Section 3317 Illumination
- JPIA Sample Construction Site Inspection Checklist Rev 9_20
- JPIA Sample Excavation Checklist Rev 9-20
Traffic Control
Underground Safety Board
- Underground Safety Board
- Report Damage by Excavator – California Code of Regulations requires that an excavator causing or discovering damage must file a report immediately, and in no case longer than two hours after learning of the damage.
- Infrastructure Reporting Information and Action Required – Information to report when an underground utility infrastructure or if existing damage is found. Can be used as a toolbox and reminder for crews that excavate for emergency procedures and incident reporting.
Water Line Failure
Asset Identification
Valve Exercising and Maintenance
- Standard Operating Guideline The Importance of Valve Exercising
- Standard Operating Guideline Valve Exercising and Maintenance
- Valve Fire Hydrant Maintenance Report
- Ergo Solutions for Valve Turning
Hydrant Maintenance and Testing
Leak Repair
Maintenance Management System
Water for Fire Fighting and Training
Water Loss Monitoring
Lift Station Inspection
- Standard Operating Guideline, Lift Station Inspection Rev 11_23
- Lift Station Inspection Log Rev 9_20
- Wastewater Operations Self-Audit Checklist Rev 9_2
Sewer Backup and Reduction
- Standard Operating Guideline, Sewer Pipe Blockage Control Program Rev 10_23
- Sewer Component Graphics
- Manhole Inspection Checklist
- South Coast Water District, Lift Station Annual Maintenance Procedure
- South Coast Water District, Lift Station Daily Weekly Maintenance Procedure
- South Coast Water District, Lift Station Monthly Maintenance Procedure
- South Coast Water District, Lift Station Quarterly Maintenance Procedure
- South Coast Water District, Lift Station Semi Annual Maintenance Procedure
- Western Municipal Water District, Site Specific Lift Station
Sewer Backup and Response
- Standard Operating Guideline, Sewer Backup and Response Rev 10_23
- Sewer Inspection Maintenance Report
- Onsite Sewer Backup Incident Assessment
- Sewer Backup Intake Report
- Sewer Backup/Follow-up Investigation
- Sanitary Sewer Reference and Emergency Contact List
- Sewer Component Graphics
- Manhole Inspection Checklist
- General Order for Sanitary Sewer Systems
- General Order for Sanitary Sewer Systems_Attachment D
- General Order for Sanitary Sewer Systems_Attachment E1
- General Order for Sanitary Sewer Systems_Attachment E2
- Cucamonga Valley Water District Ordinance No 32-C
- Sanitary Sewer Maintenance Log
- Stand Drawing Sewer Lateral
Canal Ditch Levee Maintenance
- Standard Operating Guideline, Canal/Ditch/Levee Maintenance
- Canal Inspection Checklist
- Canal Inspection Items
- Canal Breach Report
- Canal Breach Checklist
- Canal Structure Inspection Form
- Canal Maintenance Log
- Training Record
Canal Levee Failure
Canal Safety Guidelines
Canal Structure Operations and Maintenance
Pest Rodent Control
- Daily Weed Control Report
- Ground Squirrel Best Management Practices – Ground squirrel Best Management Practices (BMPs) are the most efficient, cost effective, and environmentally-friendly management methods that can achieve successful ground squirrel management.
- UC ANR Statewide IPM Program – This course was developed for pest management professionals and growers. The course covers the description, biology, and ecology of ground squirrels and pocket gophers as well as an overview of available control options including habitat modification, trapping, baiting, and fumigants.
Vegetation and Weed Control
Climate Change Resource Center
Electrical Distribution Systems
- Standard Operating Guideline, Electrical Distribution System Maintenance
- Standard Operating Guideline, Electrical Distribution Inspection Procedures
- Distribution Inspection Cycles
- Electric Safety in the Workplace NFPA 70E 2018
- Pad Mounted Transformers
- Arc Flash Booklet
- Arc Flash Warning Labels
Electrical System Maintenance Switchgear
- Standard Operating Guideline, Electrical System Maintenance Switchgear
- Switchgear Checklist
- Low Voltage
Planning and Coordination
Operating Procedures
- Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) – FAA regulations for drone usage
- Fact Sheet – Small Unmanned Aircraft Regulations (Part 107) – Drone operating requirements
- Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 56.31 – Example of city ordinance for drone use (PDF)
- Sample JPIA Drone Policy
Restricted and Prohibited Zones
- FAA Airspace Restrictions
- Wildfires Air Space – FAA discussion on the use of a drone near wildfires
- No Drone Zone – FAA public outreach campaign
Maintenance and Inspection Programs
- Sample Drone Maintenance Checklist – Maintenance checklist categories
- Routine Drone Maintenance Checklist – Example of checklist
- Dispose of a Drone Battery – Steps to properly dispose of a battery
Documented Flight Logs
- Tips on Keeping a Drone Flight Log
- Sample Drone Logbook – Free drone logbook
- What should be in your Drone Flight Logs – Documentation tips
Staff Training
Licensed Drone Pilots
- Become a Drone Pilot – FAA eligibility requirements
- Test Prep Materials
- Integrated Airman Certification and Rating Application (IACRA) – FAA drone pilot application process
- FAA Drone Zone – General information on rules for flying drones
Pre-Flight Checklist
- Drone Preflight Checklist – Commercial App
- General Drone Preflight Checklist – Categories in a preflight checklist
- B4UFLY Mobile APP (FAA)
- Sample Drone Checklist
Drone Registration
- A Guide to Starting Operations – Create a drone program
- Waiver Process – Process to operate outside certain rules in part 107
- User Identification Tool – FAA process to help identify which rules apply to your District.
- FAA’s Remote ID Rule – Article on process for unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) have a unique ID number
- Sample ID Device – Example of Standard Remote ID
- UAS Remote Identification – FAA process for registering UAS Remote Identification
Appropriate Drone Coverage
- Drone Best Practices – General and/or Property Coverage
Third Party Vendor
- Insurance Requirements – JPIA minimum requirements when contracting out drone services
- Contracting With and Between UAS Operators – General Information
- JPIA Risk Transfer Resources
Appropriate Documentation
FMCSA/Drug Alcohol Reasonable Suspicion
- Clearinghouse Brochure Employer
- Clearinghouse Query and Consent
- Clearinghouse User Role
- FMCSA Clearinghouse Factsheet
- State of California CHIP Controlled Substances and Alcohol Testing Compliance Checklist
- FMCSA Training Provider Registry – Lists training providers who have self-certified their compliance with federal training requirements. It also keeps a record of all individuals who have completed the required entry-level driver training.
Additional Employment Practices Resources
The JPIA provides guidance and best practices to its members regarding Employment Practices. Please visit our Human Resources Best Practices webpage for resources on documentation, effective hiring, promoting staff development, and effective communication.
- Back Up Your Safety Program
- General Ergonomic Risk Analysis Checklist
- Portable Ladder Safety Resources
- State Fund’s Be their HERO – An interactive assessment and resources to help prevent falls in the workplace.
Planning and Coordination
Plans, Checklists, and Codes
- EPA Incident Action Checklist Wildfire
- SWRCB Emergency Response Planning Template
- Emergency Response Planning Template for Public Drinking Water Systems (small systems)
- Public Utilities Code (PUC) Section 8386
- SB 901 Wildfire Mitigation Plan Legislative Bill
- PUC Utility Wildfire Mitigation Plan
- Truckee Donner PUD Wildfire Emergency Preparedness
- So Cal Edison Essential Use Customer Classification and Priority System for Rotating Outages
- Cal OES My Hazards
- CDC Guide – Water Supply Planning Guide for Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities
- Basic Disaster Supply Kit –
- Cal Water Emergency Preparedness
- Cal Fire Emergency Supply Kit
- Contra Costa WD ER Prep Storing an Emergency Supply of Water
- National Incident Management System Emergency Operations Center How-To Quick Reference Guide, August 2021
- Supplemental Information: SEMS, NIMS, and ICS
Communication and Coordination
- CalWarn Mutual Aid and Assistance Program
- Government Emergency Telecommunications Services (GETS)
- Text-Em-All, Communication App to Staff
- Water Emergency Response Organization of Orange County (WEROC)
- Public Water Agencies Group
- Emergency Response Network of the Inland Empire (ERNIE)
- Sacramento Area Water Works Association (SAWWA)
- Fire Safe Councils – Educate businesses and homeowners about community wildfire preparedness
- SWRCB Templates for Public Notification
- JPIA Source – Wildfire Preparedness
- JPIA – Water and Wastewater Preparedness and Response to Wildfire Actions
- Alliant Fire Season: Preparing for the Worst
- Truckee Donner PUD Wildfire Mitigation Plan
- El Dorado Irrigation Forest Management Plan
- Tulare Irrigation District Wildfire Mitigation Plan
- Preparing a Community for Wildfire Protection
- Toolkits
Staff Training
- SEMS G606 SEMS Introduction Online Course
- SEMS Executive – The purpose of this course is to familiarize Senior Officials (executives, elected and appointed officials, city/county managers, agency administrators, etc.) with their role in supporting incident management within the National Incident Management System (NIMS). Cal/OES and its training provider California Specialized Training Institute (CSTI) offer this required training element in-person or virtually. For additional training information contact:
- PJ Garcia
- Chief of Emergency Management
- California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (CalOES)
- California Specialized Training Institute (CSTI)
- (805) 594-2155 – Office
- National Incident Management System (NIMS) Training Program
- FEMA’s EOC Skillsets and EOC Skillsets User Guide
- FEMA Fact Sheet – Emergency Operations Center (EOC) References and Resources Tool
- Incident Management
- FEMA ICS for Utilities
- Water Utility Response On the Go Mobile Application
- Emergency Exercises –
Facility Protection and Readiness
Facility Hardening and Defensible Space
- USDA Wildfire, Wildlands, and People: Understanding and Preparing for wildfire in the Wildland-Urban Interface
- National Incident Management System (NIMS) Emergency Operation Center How to Quick Reference Guide
- Public Resource Code (PRC) 4291 – Protection of forest, range, and forage lands
- Cal Fire Defensible Space / PRC 4291 – Resources for creating a defensible space
- Cal Fire Maintain Defensible Space – Resources for maintaining a defensible space webpage
- Cal Fire Wildland Urban Interface Operating Principles
- US Fire Administration Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)
- Maintain Defensible Space
Power Outage
Power Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS)
- Public Safety Power Shutdown – The Power of Being Prepared
- Public Safety Power Shutoffs – Resource Guide
- PGE Public Safety Power Shutoff Policies and Procedures (August 2020)
- SDGE – Public Safety Power Shutoff Policies and Procedures 2020
- Southern California Edison – Public Safety Power Shutoff
- Liberty Utilities PSPS Fact Sheet
- Preventive Maintenance for Standby Emergency Generators – (JPIA Perspective, September/October 2019, page 6)
- 2022 California Electric Code – Refer to Article 700 for Emergency Systems.
- Mike Holt’s Illustrated Guide to NEC Requirements for Generators and Standby Power Systems
- OSHA Fact Sheet – Using Portable Generators Safely
- US Army Engine Generator Set Inspection Checklist
Response and Recovery
- Cal OES Emergency Support Functions
- FEMA National Response Framework
- Communication Plan –
- Cal Alerts Wireless Emergency Alerts by County
- Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)
- FEMA Continuity Resources and Technical Assistance
- FEMA Continuity Plan Template
- Cal OES Hazard Mitigation
- FEMA Hazard Mitigation Planning
- EPA Public Assistance – Public Assistance for Water and Wastewater Utilities
- OC Regional Water and Wastewater Hazard Mitigation Plan
- Resilience Mitigation Financing Webinar for Water and Wastewater Utilities
- Urban-Wildland Fire Coordination Plan for Water Utilities & Fire Departments
- Developed by The Water Emergency Response Organization of Orange County (WEROC) with lessons learned and best practices from recent wildfires